I think I had my final birthday dinner of my birthday week tonight. I started out with a family dinner at Laurelhurst Market, a dinner with gym friends at Metrovino, a dinner with Sean at Veritable Quandry, and another dinner with THMFIC at the gym and other gym friends at Laurelhurst Market. Plus, my friend Sun conspired with my sister to get me a bottle of Ardbeg Single malt scotch, which I’d been looking for but couldn’t find. Who knew you could look up availability online?
Really, though, I’m so stuffed full of beef that I can hardly think. You may not be able to get exactly what you want at Laurelhurst Market, but what they do have is tasty as hell.
One of the guys at the gym is always trying to get me to get my hair cut a lot shorter than I usually have it cut. Today I had it done. Then I also remembered that I started growing it out because my ex-girlfriend from a heck of a long time ago told me to. So off with my head.
The short hair was supposed to make me look more butch. I think it kind of makes me look more foolish. Plus my head is cold.