My sister was in the Oregonian, and I know half of the three people who read my blog are here because of my sister so I scanned the pictures and here they are. It took FOREVER because, basically, computers suck.
I know, they’re scaled and the color balance is off. It would have been quicker if I just got out a goddamn crayon and reproduced the effing things by hand so you get what you get. It’s a scan from a frigging newspaper for chrissake.
I’m also very tired from the front squats at the gym, and also from finding out that the bastard who backed into my car not only fucked up the bumper and the grill but also punched a hole in the radiator. I now have fifteen hundred reasons to want to kick someone’s ass, but really I’m not that angry, just annoyed.
The high point of the day was driving Sean to get his new iPad. I got to see him start it up and play with it. I think I want one now. Geez.
other than the actual family, that’s as close as i think i would come to an apple product. should i get one??
You’re just annoyed? I’m angry for you! Rat bastard!
If you’re going to get a 1.3k hard drive in the new superfluous laptop, you should get yourself a Fujitsu Scansnap scanner. Mine is awesome.