Since I can’t talk about work, can I talk about the silly song stuck in my head? Well, it was stuck in my head before so I suppose it’s not all that interesting. In case you were wondering, it’s U Sure Do by Strike. I’m not helping things by playing it on my iTunes and watching the YouTube video over and over. I suppose it could be worse.
The workout tonight was a partner workout. 20 minutes of trading off, 7 kettlebell swings, 7 ball slams, 7 burpees. If you’re lucky, the person you’re with slows down and you get more rest as the time proceeds. If you’re unlucky, your partner speeds up as the workout continues. I think my partner tonight was trying to kill me (Arune, I’m looking at you.)
At least I’m surviving the workouts. Last week I thought I was done for. You know how it is, after being sick for too long you can’t imagine a time you felt well and you start worrying that you’ll never get better. Thank goodness that’s over with.