I was planning on spending the whole day doing next to nothing, but I was unsuccessful in it. At some point I had to just go out and get light bulbs but I had to go to three stores before I found them. On the way my next door neighbor roped me into helping him move a water tank which did involve some weird weightlifting move to get it up to shoulder-level. In any case, if you saw a guy walking around with a bucket full of lightbulbs, it was likely me.
One thing struck me as I was walking around, I realized that some of my most adamant relationship advice was given to me by people who are qualified to tell me to do as they say, not as they do. I mean, one told me not to go out with anyone from the gym, and that person met his wife at the gym. And the other person who basically told me to give the hell up met a partner at work. If I had to choose, I think that being a complete tool at the gym probably makes more sense than doing the same thing at work,because it’s much easier to find a new gym than a new job in this economy. But whatever. I’ll stick to walking around with a bucket of lightbulbs.