I made it to San Francisco and hung out with Megan and Nadeem all day, though Megan was feeling a little under the weather. I hope she’s feeling better soon. Even sick, Megan gets out out and about a lot more than I do. We checked out some shops in Bernal Heights, took some things in to donate to SF Smiles, went to a street fair in the Marina, and had dinner at the Fog City Diner just to see how that was lately. And check out the view from their new apartment!
Besides driving around for half an hour looking for parking at the street fair, which turned out to look like a giant frat party filled with people from the outer suburbs (which is what the people in the Marina look like, I’m told) it’s bee n a good time. Actually, the giant frat party was even fun because of all the people watching. It was sort of like Portland plus some Eurotrash and added extra Asians. And just like Portland, there sure weren’t many black people there. I was told that they don’t bother coming to the Marina much. Honestly, I don’t think they’re missing much.
Time to get some sleep before I have to get up early and stand in line to see the Steve tomorrow.