I was trying to get some friends to go out to Sushiville and get some sushi-on-a-track. It’s been pretty good when I’ve been there. I kind of knew that the plans weren’t solid and so I got some pre-packaged sushi at lunch. Really, though, I didn’t have time for anything else. I really need a vacation, the kind where I can just sit on my ass by a pool or something. Or even just watch TV. A whole lot of nothing would be nice, but work is busy, and weekends are fixing the house.
I ended up going to Sushiville by myself. It was kind of weird looking around, though most of the time I was busy either scoping out the track or shoveling food in my pie hole. I saw a couple who looked like they were on a first date, and a group of young people who looked like they were just hanging out. Both the couple and the group weren’t eating all that much. I was having a hard time keeping myself to whatever number of plates I ate. In Japan it was usually eleven. I think tonight I was down around five to seven. I’m wondering if I’ slowing down or if the sushi is just larger here. I only weighed like 143 pounds when I was in Japan, I’m guessing the sushi was just smaller.