I like Big Macs and I have one every three to five years.They’re probably no worse for me than the Jack in the Box fare I get every few weeks, or the Five Guys burgers I get once a week but sometimes they make my stomach hurt so they can’t be all that good for me either. The Big Mac I had tonight was especially tasty as the lettuce (the only seeming variable) wasn’t bitter. Since I was alive in the mid-70’s, I remember the Big Mac is:
Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun. I’m not sure any of that is cooked normally. The beef patties seem to come out of a microwave, the onions are cut into little tiny chips, and the buns don’t seem to be baked, but I find it tasty all the same.
The rest of my life is kind of causing me stress. Why not eat a Big Mac? I didn’t get fries or a sugary soda so I’m calling it a win.