Filipinos are like KRYPTONITE to my Asian radar.

So, for the most part, I can tell (honestly, guess well) what nationality most Asian people are. It’s much easier when it’s Chinese vs. Korean vs. Japanese since I have much more experience with that. But I thought this one dude at the gym was Chinese, but he’s not. The Chinese woman (good thing she was reallly Chinese or I would have been 0 for 2) told me she thought he was Filipino. AIIIGH! My BLIND SPOT.

Well, Happy New Year to both of them anyway. And all of you. For those who like to sound, well, more gay, it’s the year of the cock. For those pretending to be more proper, like my sister, it’s the year of the hen or rooster.

I’m going to have to figure out the story about the red envelopes. I always thought the older people gave them to the younger people, but a guy I know swears it’s only married people who give them out.

Speaking of music, which we WEREN’T speaking of but I couldn’t think of a segue, I bought both the Jackson’s original “Shake Your Body (Down to the Ground)” and Shaggy’s remix, “Shake & Dance.” And I’ve bought all these odd dance CDs because I HAVE NO TASTE AT ALL. Well, I have odd tastes. It’s not like I listen to C&W. Ugh.

3 thoughts on “Filipinos are like KRYPTONITE to my Asian radar.”

  1. older married people give them to (presumably younger) nonmarried people. so if you are like us and pathetically very old and unmarried, you are still entitled to red envelopes!!! altho apparently no one i know follows tradition as i am completely bereft of red envelopes. and your sister is totally down with year of the Cock, i swear she said it to me like 8 times yesterday.

  2. We Filipinos are used to that. 🙂 Confusing me w/ other Asian nationalities is not such a big deal (still a tad annoying) but I once had someone insist I was Inuit. *shrug*

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