I’m not sure why I’m so tired. I think I may not be 100% because I can’t have lost all my fitness in three days off, can I? Let’s see, what did we do? Six squats holding a heavy medicine ball then carrying it against our chests (making it hard to breathe) down to a cone and back. Then sprint to the corner, and then do a side plank for 45 seconds. Oh, we do that four times, and the medicine balls I used were 60#, 70#, 80# & 90#.
Then we did a rope climb, hip slap, and knee tuck combo. Rope climb without my feet. Hip slap is where you’re almost doing a handstand against the wall and then slap your hip with alternating hands. I think we did that three times?
Oh, we finished with burpees and squat hops.
I think I know why I’m tired. (Plus, I’m probably not 100% recovered yet.)