There’s a partner workout we do at the gym where we row 200m, swing a kettlebell 20 times, and then run halfway around the building, five times. Usually I do it with Arune, so he goes, I go, etc. I think he’s carrying me and we usually get the best time on the board, but since most of the times are erased I can’t tell if it’s the best time of the day or not. Probably not. In any case, it was awfully humid today and I felt like throwing up before we even started (leg circuits of squats and lunges beforehand) but we still did pretty well. And by we I mean Arune carried me through another partner workout. I figured I wasn’t talking about the gym enough lately.
It’s funny the kind of relationship advice I get. Most of the guys tell me things like, “Move on.” In fact, I think that’s exactly what they told me. The women, however, range from, “You need to try harder,” to, “I think if you find someone who is willing to touch your d*ck, you should probably hold onto them.” I pointed out that I was willing to touch my d*ck but then was told that I’m also a bit needy so maybe I should find someone else.
Yeah, I don’t know what I’m doing.