Weight Gain 4000

Yesterday, when I got home from they gym and not talking about Matt Gonzalez, I was so tired that I just wanted to take my dinner and put it in a blender so I wouldn’t have to chew. Pretty sad, since it was a salad and I bet it would have tasted like doodie. Today I deadlifted a personal record weight, I think, 345 lbs. Old target was to deadlift twice my body weight, which seems to be 165# in the morning and 170# in the evening, but my new target is four times my IQ which would be 4 x 90 or two-hundred something. Hahaha.

I’m about to ditch the bathroom scale and lend it to a buddy who’s cutting weight for a jiu jitsu tournament. Last time he cut way too much and got weak, so I figure this might stop him from being as foolish, but he’s a little like me and lacking in the common sense. His wife was saying it would be better if he just had a scale that said “OK” or “NOT OK”. Maybe that’s what we all need.


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