There are many reasons I use a Mac, but one of the reasons I liked it early on was because it was easy to use BOTH Japanese and English. One or the other is easy on a PC, but back in the day, both were kind of hard to do at the same time. I still have some 1.2M floppy disks around that only worked on Japanese laptops, not that the kids nowadays would know what the heck I’m talking about.
In any case, I can still use the Mac to send almost unintelligible Japanese email to my friends and relatives. My friends put a little more effort into decoding what I’m talking about and my relatives don’t. I think the engineers also are more likely to acknowledge the difficulties in speaking another language, since the probably have to speak English from time-to-time. In any case, I just spent a bunch of time sending an email to a guy I used to hang out with at work, who I haven’t seen for about nineteen years. I’m hoping I see him in Tokyo this year. I expect that he will be a plant manager or something and I’m the same guy I always was – a guy who has been told to actively stay away from my friends’ female acquaintances and relatives.
I was feeling quite miserable this afternoon, and by miserable I mean lightheaded and nauseous (like I said, I looked it up and I can say nauseous or nauseated). I’m not sure if it’s the same thing my mom had last week, or if it’s a side effect of my ‘flu shot, or if – like I told a co-worker – my lunch burrito was trying to kill me. In any case, I sat around being lazy instead of going to the gym, and I avoided three rounds of rowing and running around the building. I think I win! (And maybe I’ll feel better by tomorrow.)
I want to go to Tokyo too!