What did I forget to say today?

To the veterans, thank you for your service.

So, after I went and stayed up for, what, 32 hours, diid I go to sleep at a reasonable hour? I’m assuming reasonable would have been more than eight hours of sleep (more like the 13 1/2 hours my sister got) so no, I did not. And it doesn’t look like I’m going to be sensible today, either. I even went to the gym today after feeling quite sleepy in the afternoon. I was the worst off before lunch and on the drive home. I still was sleepy right before I left for the gym. Fortunately, we didn’t do anything too difficult, so I could sleepwalk through the parts that weren’t dangerous.

Earlier I was thinking one of the things I won’t miss is the hotel toilet paper. I even had an encounter in Narita Airport with the dreaded Japanese-style toilet that requires all the squatting and the balance. Good thing I go to a gym where they make me do a lot of squats and it didn’t turn out to be a disaster. Funny how that’s the most useful thing I can think of that I got from working out so much.

One thought on “What did I forget to say today?”

  1. I don’t work out and I am really good at those “holes”. Although the last one I encountered was in the middle of the desert in Jordan and it wasn’t very fun 🙁

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