I suppose I could say I’ve been busy with work and with non-work, but mostly I’ve been busy at work and that’s about it. I did spend most of the day trying to reverse-engineer the Harbor Freight alarm thing, but I’m pretty sure I’ve decided that it’s kind of silly. I’ve spent a bit of time on it and I’m not quite finished, but I’m not really sure why I’m doing it any more because it looks like there’s not much I can change on it. Ah well, live and learn.
The end of the year is nearing and I better get on the donations I always seem to put off until the end of the year. There’s probably some way of maximizing my tax benefit, but really my real goal is to assuage my liberal guilt. Besides, I always tell charities that I donate at the end of the year and I think it’s important that I’m not lying. I’ve tried in the past to see if I could actually donate 10% (like the god botherers and their tithing) but I can’t even do that much. Perhaps if I planned better, but I’m not exactly a planner.