So I was up late on Tuesday trying to get a motion detection program working on a security camera for my sister’s front porch. Then I stayed up late last night trying to sort out all the pictures I have on my hard drive that don’t really seem all that organized. I’m not sure I have everything in there.
I also found out that my laptop hasn’t been backing up because if you encrypt your home directory with FileVault, it only backs up when you log off. No wonder it was taking so long to reboot my Mac, it was trying to back up my home directory. Well, I found a way to reenable backups and I set it on its merry way and so far, after fourteen hours, it’s backed up 12G out of 177G. So, lessee, does that mean it’s going to take eight-and-a-half more days to back up the hard drive using Time Machine? Sheesh. And I was giving a friend a hard time for a 48H backup.
So there you have it. That, plus my mental faculties appear to be slipping, or at least my concentration. At the gym we do warmups of things like 3 windmills per side. I’ll end up doing four on a side and then stand there wondering if three comes before or after four. I hope it’s not something permanent.
I love your website! It helped me get over the fact that I didn’t get accepted to any vocational highschools. Thank you for brighyening my day as well. And I realize that if this is the way medical school goes, then this issue is so minor!!!!