I was feeling like I was in a bad mood, but I couldn’t remember exactly why I should feel so bad. After my first day of work of the new year, I kind of felt tired and saw a bleak future ahead of me but that’s not any different than most Mondays at work. I went to the gym and it was one of the workouts where I get DFL but Sean beat me to the finish, or whatever you do when you get beat by someone who comes in after you, but I’m never upset by getting DFL or close to DFL in that workout. I found out one of the guys I know at the gym is an M.D., which reminded me of how I failed to get into medical school, but he was a doctor with a sense of humor and even told me some doctor jokes.
So basically, nothing really good happened, but nothing bad happened either.
I tell doctor jokes and it pisses off humorless doctors.
- Q: How do you hide a dollar from an orthopod?
- A: Hide it in a book.
- Q: How do you hide a dollar from a radiologist? (The doctor with the sense of humor is a radiologist.)
- A: Pin it to the patient.
- Q: How do you hide a dollar from a plastic surgeon?
- A: You can’t.
He told me a joke I can’t really repeat because it’s obscene and makes fun of anesthesiologists, who are usually my people, i.e. Asians. Oh, and when he told me he’s a radiologist, I said, “Funny, you don’t look Asian,” and he got it.
So there you have it with some of my bad jokes. I’m an old man. I’m entitled to tell bad jokes.
On the plus side, I won an eBay auction today. It’s for a butt-set with tone dialling, something I’ve wanted but really have limited use for. If you’re wondering what a butt-set is, here’s a picture:
I usually need a butt-set once or twice a year. Maybe I can use it for a Halloween costume.