And it’s 20 minutes past the time I told myself I’d be in bed already? So I thought running outside at the gym would be awful today since it was probably several degrees colder than yesterday, around 36°F, but it wasn’t so bad. I think the problem yesterday was the wind was worse and I was sweatier when I headed out. The temperature was far from ideal, but not as awful as I had feared.
I usually give myself the month of January to come up with resolutions and I haven’t done it yet. So here goes nothing: I think I’m going to try to get rid of a lot more crap this year and just forget about this eBay nonsense and just give it to Goodwill. And not even worry about the receipts because I never seem to donate enough to make it past the standard deduction on my taxes. A lot of this crap has got to go, and it really should go soon. We’ll see how much resolve I really have, though.