Very often on Tuesday evenings I used to be a bit glum and I think it was probably due to being tired from the gym and not having enough grease in my gullet. I’m feeling glum today and I figure it’s the same reason. I’m in a class where I’m supposed to be programming in Windows WITHOUT CURSING and that’s really taking it out of me, plus I don’t have time for a good greasy lunch. And the gym was rough tonight. So the combo is making me want to run right out and get a Big Mac, but I’ve also had some stomach pains lately and a Big Mac wouldn’t help with that. Maybe a burger from Metrovino…
It’s getting close to Oregon’s anniversary, or as it’s more commonly known, THE WORST DAY OF THE YEAR (February 14th.) I wonder what sorts of things I’ll do that night? Perhaps a drink is in order. Just one, maybe. A very, very large one.