Since I got a new computer a month or so ago (with a faulty Intel motherboard, btw) I figured it was time to rotate out the oldest machine. Turns out the “oldest” machine is also the one that’s accessible from the intarwebs, so you may have noticed some downtime on my sister’s web site. Nobody really looks at mine. Heh. I’m hoping that it’s all working at the moment.
I had a nice, restful three-day weekend. I even was a bit hung over on Sunday morning which was sort of the plan. The real plan was to sleep in as much as possible (it being a three-day weekend and all) and my adolescent antics got me just the right level of hung over so I got the additional sleep.
After eating the great dinner at Belly, I found a bunch of my dad’s old tiny liquor bottle collection. I probably drank little airline-sized bottles of booze that were older than I am. Some were even half-evaporated away. The worst was the Seagrams assortment that I knew I should avoid but drank anyway. Seagrams is generally sickly sweet and extra trouble the next day.
Today I was able to change a light switch, work on my taxes, and destroy my computer. A productive day in a geeky way. Even made it to the gym where we had a partner workout, and my partner tried to kill me by giving me no rest at all. I think he saw that other pairs of people were doing 17 rounds and that was fine until he saw 23 rounds or something. We did 26. I bet they were really ugly.