Yesterday I sat around the house all day and I had a reason to sit around. Not only was I waiting for the car dealer to call back, I was also finishing my mom’s taxes. Today I’m not sure what the hell I did other than watching a bunch of half-hour TV romantic comedies on TV – multiple episodes of Perfect Couples, Traffic Light, and Mad Love. My buddy Greg asked me why the hell was wrong with me (with the romantic comedies, not about the sitting around) and I told him that I’ve found that it’s much easier to watch the TV shows than to actually try to have a romantic relationship. He agreed and he’s been married for eighteen years. Even though I was the best man at the wedding, the only reason I know that is because someone reminded me that Greg’s daughter Bridget just turned seventeen.
Other than that I don’t believe I did much of anything today. At least I know that I prefer not to do much of anything on Sunday.