Today I spent a lot of time destroying old furniture. I’m sure it had some sentimental value to someone because it was made from old shipping crates and some of it even had government tags from when whitey locked up all the Japanese-Americans during WWII and warehoused very little property. But as it is, I think my dad put it in the garage in 1970 and here it is, 2011, and I’m demolishing it and finding out that it’s full of rat’s nests and rat poop. It’s really not worth refinishing. I’m hoping I don’t get some weird respiratory ailment because after I finished I blew my nose and it was black as soot.
Not much else going on, really. Jury duty, gym, etc. I did put together a Concept 2 rowing machine at the gym and it’s an odd contraption. I could feel it in my “core” when I used it, but it sure looks funny. Oh, and I got my jury duty check and I now have a whopping $14.70 to add to my savings account. I’ll try not to spend it all at once.
Oh, and it turns out that my buddy Sean actually has some sense and doesn’t want to buy my MacBook Pro because, well, the one he has is good enough. I don’t really remember anything that made the current one feel that much zippier than the one before. It has a higher resolution screen, making everything tinier but how is that an advantage?
I have, however, decided that I’m going to die alone, and why not have a new MacBook Pro when I do? (And a new iPad2.) After being on the Grand Jury I’m not going to trust Craigslist, but I’m fairly sure I can find a moderately legitimate buyer for my laptop somewhere. We’ll see.
I have suggested that the National Center for Health Statistics add a new code for deaths involving Craig’s List.