Last night I went to the wedding reception for Katie and Mark from the gym. It was a lot of fun and I got to find out that everyone thinks Mark doesn’t talk much. I remember telling Katie, “You look tall. And beautiful,” and she told me, “I’m not sure I like the order of that.” But she did show me her pink platform shoes. The only negative thing I can say about it all is that I’m jealous that I’ll never look as good as Mark and Katie did.
Speaking of tall, there were a lot of incredibly tall women there and I think they were on OSU crew with Katie.
The only big surprise (no big surprise to me) is that two of the more outwardly law-abiding people I knew there told me about how they’ve been in the back of a patrol car in handcuffs. I’m trying to remember if I’ve ever been in a patrol car, even after having friends who worked in the radio shop for the city who put all the equipment in the squad cars. I’m a big smartass with a problem with authority, but I think I’m also too Japanese to annoy cops directly or to forget to pay my parking tickets.