I think I know how this basketball game turns out (stupid push notification on my iPhone and iPad) but I still want to watch it. Even though I bet I forgot to set my DVR long enough and I bet I’m not going to see the end of this game. But it’s the NCAA National Championship game. The only other sporting event I actually watched after recording (I usually end up not having the patience) is the Superbowl.
I did succeed in doing very little this weekend, but had breakfast with my buddy Greg (and, coincidentally, friends from the gym John and John), mowed the lawn and then did a whole lot of sitting around. And a few rounds of Angry Birds. It was a nice weekend, but not nearly as nice as it was in the Bay Area. It sounded like summer, and I heard it was the best weather they’ve had in a while. Leaf blowers, lawn mowers, and motorcycles. I actually like the rainy weather, but it’s nice to get some sun once in a while.
And I know I was sick. This is the first trip I’ve made to California in YEARS that I missed getting an In-N-Out burger. Heck, I almost missed a flight once because I stopped by the drive-through at Rengstorff and 101. I think I may have to schedule another trip down there.