I have nothing to say lately except my job is busy busy busy. I try not to say too much because it’s not like I hide who I am or where I work. It’s probably pretty easy to figure who I’m talking about if I were to say anything. And other than that, I go to the gym, and I watch Jay the Contractor work. That’s about it.
This year my birthday made me feel especially old and I figure that’s probably about it for most of the things I should have done in my 30’s. I’m way past the late cutoff for things like having a family or getting married. I just have to be that old cranky guy who lives on the block. A reminder, today, was when I did birthday burpees for someone who is the same age. I’m pretty tired anyway from what we did at the gym yesterday, had meetings all through lunch which meant I only ate a “Builder Bar” out of the vending machine because the cafeteria was closed, and was pretty beat from today’s workout as well. So why did I do 47 extra burpees? Especially since after 15 I took a break and realized I still had THIRTY-TWO to go. Honestly, I kind of feel like I got hit by a truck.
My 25th college reunion is coming up and a few of us are going, organized via Facebook. it’s TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS A NIGHT to stay in Cambridge, but I think I’m finally over being mad about going to MIT. I mean, there’s almost nowhere else a nerd like me could have gone, but that place was brutal. I still wish I could have gone to Stanford. Guys who transferred there said it was a cakewalk compared to MIT. I’m sure it’s still hard, but come on, there are real people who go there, not just supernerds. They even have a football team that WINS GAMES. And I hear Cambridge is no longer a poster child for urban blight and has turned into a gentrified yuppie town. I saw evidence for that when I was there five years ago. We’ll see in a couple of weeks!