Whee! I made it to Boston today and I met up with three of my old classmates, Dr. Mike Malaska, Dr. Juan Alvarez, and Ron Duncan. I also saw Kyla Duncan, M.S. and Colin Shepard (NRS) who works in Hillsboro (where I do) but I had to wait 25 years and travel the width of the US to see him again. I kept describing everyone as the big cheeses while I’m kind of a disappointment and waste of an MIT education. I also met the kids of Dr. Robert Satcher, M.D., Ph.D., astronaut and Ron and Kyla’s kids as well.
I did meet an MIT grad who was serving ice cream at Toscanini’s. That’s some good ice cream. I will opine, however, that the food is much better in Portland. There, I said it. I’m a Portland food snob.