To save $1.50 in parking, I bought a Time Capsule to back up my MacBook Pro. It only cost me $299, so that saved me -$297.50. The worst part is that I’m without my $900 24″ monitor, so I have to look at everything on my laptop monitor. It’s higher resolution, which means all the pictures and letters are tinier. If I had younger eyes, it wouldn’t be so bad.
I was able to go to the Apple Store because I felt too tired to go to the gym. I have stabbing pains between my shoulder blades in the middle of the night (which just mean my backal muscles are cramping) so I haven’t been sleeping very well. I kind of think that just means there are side-effects to the medication I take, but it also probably means that thinking about doing pushups tonight was making me feel like just sitting on my ass. Not sure why I wasn’t too tired to go to the Temple of Apple, but we all have our odd energy boosts, right? I remember when a friend of mine was doing chemo and too tired to even sleep but was still driving around going to Target sales. That’s the spirit.