Imran, a friend from the gym is leaving to go to Northwestern University Law School in Chicago, so I decided to take him out to dinner. Our schedules finally aligned this Monday, a beautiful evening when we thought all the restaurants were open. But this is Portland, and when it’s nice everyone is out. Even at 8:30PM, there was a two-hour wait at Little Bird. Laurelhurst Market had a similar wait when we called them on the phone, but we went anyway. It was only about a 30 minute wait in the outside bar, and we even ate outside. It was nice all evening. Since I was paying, Imran got the most expensive steak on the menu. Heck, I encouraged it and even had one myself. I asked if I could get it blue rare, or as a Canadian friend once told me, “Spank it on it’s ass and put it on the plate,” and they accommodated me this time. We also had dessert and I had the always excellent cheesecake.
I didn’t get home until 11PM and I finally got to sleep around midnight. When I got up this morning I felt pretty bad from overeating. It didn’t make work any better, of course, nor my driving at lunch time.
And I have to admit I was pretty darn tired at the gym today. Yesterday we did “Helen” which is two laps around the building (almost 400m), 21x 24kg kettlebell swings, 12x ugly, ugly pull-ups. Three times. I’m sore all over. Today we did the row 200m, bear crawl to the door, run halfway around the building. Five times. With a partner, so 10 times for the two of you. I staggering around a bit after today’s workout and I should be happy that I didn’t see any of my last few meals. Of course, if I had any sense I’d be asleep by now, but you know how that is.
Oh, and my stupid computer keeps grey screening, so that’s another joy in my life right now. Phooey on that.