I can understand that twitter seems narcissistic to some, but then I just realized that I should be twittering because of the same reason I’m not blogging that much any more. It’s not that I don’t like hearing myself talk, it’s because I CAN’T REMEMBER WHAT I DID TODAY. If I just twittered all the time (or tweeted or whatever) I would know EXACTLY how boring my life is and I could either
take steps to make my life more interesting or just continue cataloging the boredom and pretend that it’s enough.
But, actually, I can remember what I did today, which is almost NOTHING. I’ve been kind of sick all week, which is kind of lame because I’ve had no big symptoms. I took Monday off because of a sinus headache and I’ve had stomachaches since then. The past few days I’ve felt like absolute crap in the evenings. This morning I got up and I felt lightheaded but went to the gym anyway. It came and went but I got home and took a few naps and so sleeping was pretty much I did today. I did watch some football and vacuum under my bed, so I don’t call the day a total loss. I do want to know why the house is so freaking dusty, though.