I stayed up late last night trying to figure out how to program all my shows on my blank DVR. I found shows online or on my iPad app and told it to record the series but all I would get on the DVR is an error message. Really, do they want me to get rid of my TV and just download things like a bad person? I gave up last night but tried again this afternoon and finally figured out that the DVR needed to download the TV schedule before it knew what to do. Ugh. So you can go on the intarwebs and tell the DVR all sorts of things but the DVR won’t understand until it gets its schedule figured out.
Well, I overdid it at the gym, like I knew I would. My legs felt wobbly yesterday and today my ass felt like it was cramping up. But I went anyway, and now my back is sore and I may have to sit out a few days. What a maroon. Can I blame the heat again? I think it was 91°F or something similarly unpleasant for us mossbacks here in Oregon.