My ear was itching last night so I stuck a Q-Tip in my ear, just like they tell you not to. I’m not sure how many people use Q-Tips for any other purpose, but there is a warning on the package, isn’t there? Anyway, I went to town on that itch, and I ended up with blood on the Q-Tip. It didn’t seem to let up much, so I went to bed sleeping on the opposite side. I woke up a couple hours into the night and had to got to the bathroom. I held my hand by my head and got up and felt something wet; when I turned on the light I had a hand full of blood. I wasn’t about to sit in the Emergency Room in the middle of the night so I just shoved a tissue in my ear and went back to sleep.
I got up this morning and I had some trouble hearing out of my left ear but went in to work. I called my doctor’s office and they told me to come in. Then the realized they didn’t have anyone to see me and told me not to come in, but to go to an Urgent Care Clinic. I figured whoever I got would just look in my ear, see blood clots, and flush it out with a bunch of water but the PA I saw said I had an ear infection and told me I was getting a stronger antibiotic for a week. I’m not sure I trust the guy because the antibiotic he gave me was THE SAME ONE I got two weeks ago and he thinks there’s a difference between Augmentin and Amoxicillin.
So now I have an upset stomach, another weeks worth of Amoxicillin, and got no help with my ear. I was told to avoid getting water in my ear, but screw the guy. I just flushed it out and now I can hear again.