I’m a big fat pig.

The bad new is that George fell down today and hit his head on a towel rack. I was vacuuming under my bed, something I hadn’t done in ten years and that meant moving around the mattress and box spring and the only open space blocked my exit. So when I heard the loud thud, it took me a couple of minutes to get out to see my dad getting up off the floor. He said he was OK, but he has a nasty bruise.

Now back to unimportant things (me). Either I’m now a big fat pig, or the food at BeWon has gone down in quantity. BeWon is a very nice Korean restaurant near my house and the first time I went with my buddy Il, I thought we were going to burst. And then when I went with my dad, I also thought I was going to burst. Today, not so much. There was quite a lot of food, but no bursting. The quality was still great, too.

One thought on “I’m a big fat pig.”

  1. I hope you ate some kalbi for me. Mmmm… Kalbi… There are zero (0) Korean restaurants in my neighborhood. It’s very sad.

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