I stood out in the cold AGAIN, volunteering for the Portland Marathon. Got to call for one ride for a guy that didn’t look as well as the guy who had the ambulance called for him. I sure hope they’re both OK. But it was a complete mess this year. Ambulances weren’t being routed properly and medical staff were getting angry.
And I was pushing for AID06 to stay open longer. We’re supposed to be there until the sweep vehicle comes through to signal the official tail end of the marathon — or at least close to that time — but they were torn down 45 minutes early, an hour before the sweep. Turns out the truck driver read his schedule wrong and came to the wrong aid station, telling everyone to pack up 45 minutes before it should have been torn down.
So, basically, we could have killed people, and we insulted the slower walkers who need the aid stations more than the fast people. Hell, if you can finish the marathon in 2:27, then you don’t need any water. Get it after you’re finished. But if you’re out there for 8 hours, you’re going to need something to drink. Oh, and I didn’t get my instructions until two days before the marathon. What a mess.