The best part about my recent feelings of impending doom is that they’re usually nothing. Maybe doom is looming but it’s not here right now.
So I’m really too tired to think of much of anything. The workout at the gym was 5 pullups, 10 pushups, and 15 kettlebell swings over and over until 20 minutes were up. For some reason, seeing it up on the board didn’t frighten me as much as anything that involves running around the building. If I know we’re running around the building, I get nervous, and it’s probably because those workouts make me want to pass out at times. The pullup/pushup/swing one is quite tiring, but in an achy sort of way, not in a seeing-my-lunch-again sort of way. But it all has me fatigued to the point of inaction. It’s a cue to actually hit the hay, but somehow I’m tired without being sleepy. This may be the worst kind of tired. If I had any sense (and I usually don’t) I’d just force myself to lie down in a dark room anyway. Which, now, is my new plan.