So the high a week ago was 62°F. Today it was 95°F at the airport. That means it was probably a couple degrees warmer here in the city. It’s supposed to drop about 20°F to a more civilized temperature, but for the moment it is HOT. The walk home wasn’t so bad, but I was stumbling around the gym. They had the air conditioning turned on, so it was cooler than usual, but I was still feeling kind of off. And I probably wasn’t the only one. There were only about four people there at any time. I suppose the yoga people could have been hiding in their dark room, but out on the floor, where there are usually at least a dozen people on a slow day, the place was empty.
So even after lots of sugar from orange juice and part of a Jack-in-the-Box milkshake, I’m still feeling tired. Better hit the hay early.
What flavor milkshake?