Back to normal (whatever that is).

I had to work on January 2nd and I think my company is the only one who didn’t get the memo that the 2nd is a holiday. Even the gym was closed. Well, today I went to work AND the gym. I even pooped a fairly normal poop (and I won’t go into how the ones from the past few days weren’t quite normal.)

In any case, I’m back to eating solid food with color. The BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast) is quite boring and pale and I’m happy to be eating other things including all the stale cookies I’ve been ignoring. Actually, we GAINED more cookies, some Bergers from Baltimore, and I’ve been eating those before they go stale.

Now it’s time to hit the hay. I finally noticed that my sister brought back one of my “old” computers and it’s now in the basement as one of the servers. Getting it to do my bidding took longer than I thought and it still isn’t 100%. Oh, well, there’s always tomorrow.