It snows a bit in Portland and it’s pretty miserable when it does. Most often we’ll get enough snow that there’s white bits in the grass but nothing more. The worst is when we get a few inches of snow, it melts to slush during the day and then freezes to a sheet of ice during the night. There’s no getting around in the ice, no matter what people tell you about their winter driving prowess. The weather forecasters are generally useless when there’s snow predicted and I was watching the dire predictions when the snow actually started to stick to my satellite dish and killed my TV reception. Oh, well. We now have snow.
Today’s morning commute wasn’t so bad. The snow was slush and most traveled roads weren’t slick at all. We’ll see how it its tomorrow morning. If I’m lucky, the rain will start early and the snow will all be gone tomorrow morning.
I had a package on that train too.