I got both of my last outstanding packages today. One was the replacement for my drowned NetPC power supply. I needed that so I could use it as a ham radio logging computer. The other was a kit of parts to bring the power amplifier stage of my ham radio to the latest revision. Serious geekery.
Unfortunately, the NetPC has proved itself to be next-to-useless once again and the screen is too small for the logging program I want to use. I suppose I might be able to get around that somehow, but I’m letting it charge up a bit before I mess with it.
So the bag of parts was sitting on my desk taunting me and my sister just got me the new circuit board holder and I just had to go try it all out. I knocked off early because I’m beat. Not only is the gym making me tired and sore all over, I’m not sleeping all that well. So the radio is in bits all over my bench and half the components are replaced but the parts are neatly sorted in the Electronic Work Center bins. Hooray for my sister’s Xmas present to me!