My boss (also an old ham radio buddy if you haven’t been paying attention) came in with connectors for the cable he gave me, so now it’s time to get one of my antennas up and running! Unfortunately, I left the connectors at work. It’s just as well since I shouldn’t try getting it done before the weekend. Standing on the roof in the dark is something I should give up since I’m older and it’ll take me longer to heal than when I was starting out playing with radios THIRTY FOUR YEARS AGO.
And I made it in to the gym but that was kind of iffy at first. I didn’t sleep well because my stomach was churning all night and then it started grumbling again in the afternoon. Nothing odd happened at the gym, though, and I felt better running around the building than I usually do. Probably because it was close to 50°F outside. They had the heat cranked up to about 90°F in the gym for yoga and I was complaining until I realized this is the way it is in the summer only backwards (cold inside, hot outside). The worst part was I was standing under a vent when they cranked the heat up. Honestly, yoga is not my friend.