I think it’s traditional for Chinese restaurants to be closed on Monday and it seems like Korean restaurants are following suit. I had the day off, as did my sister, and we took our mom on a Costco run. We figured we’d go to a Korean restaurant we like but it was closed, as were my second and third suggestions. We ended up at a Korean restaurant that was supposed to be good (and it was very good) but it took TWO HOURS to get out of there. We only saw one waiter and one busboy, and I wonder if they were both doing the cooking as well. The food was actually really fresh and if it weren’t for the wait I’d recommend it. I think it goes on my list of places that are too big a pain in the ass to eat at, like Apizza Scholls, Screen Door, and anywhere else I have to wait two hours to get a seat.
I will admit we were seated the whole time and were able to watch something called “Pop Star” that looked like “Korean Idol” and a dating show where the unlucky guys were thrown into a pool, but if someone told me how long it would be I would have found another place to eat.