This is the one day a year I can prove that I’m not gay: I’m not watching the Academy Awards and I’m not attending an Academy Awards party. I suppose that could also mean that I’m gay and unpopular, but I’m not having that, either. The other day there was an LGBT soirĂ©e next door to the gym and a friend who is “L” and I discussed whether the inclusiveness was proper there. I think it she told me LGBT wasn’t enough and the new proper term was LGBTQQ where the second “Q” stood for “questioning”. My question was who is doing the questioning; would it be me or is it the people around me?
Besides, I’m still on track to gain 130 pounds and get a combover for my hobby. I spoke to five countries (US, Alaska – it counts separately for radio, Japan, Korea, and France) and two new states including one new rare state (South Dakota) this weekend. That’s 40 out of 50 states I’ve talked to.
So what have we learned here? Most likely not gay and very, very dull.