It was a beautiful day but a ham radio contest was going on. I finally dragged myself away from the radio only to be reminded that I hadn’t finished my taxes yet.So, instead of sitting inside having fun talking on the radio I sat inside typing numbers into boxes and hoping I didn’t have to pay the government more money.
Most people would think I’d have a nefarious import from the Ukraine or some poor deluded mail-order bride, but it’s an antenna analyzer. It checks to see if your antenna is properly tuned. Really useless for most people and quite uninteresting to them as well. Updating the firmware took a bunch of fiddling and I’ve used it one whole time already to see what the frequency span of my antenna was. Wow, talking about it was even less interesting than I thought.
I’m not sure if I feel any better or any more adult now that I’ve finished my taxes, but at least that’s done. And I got to play with my radio too.