I’m incredibly happy to see my mom back but I’m probably going to gain back the 5 lbs I lost when she was gone. I half-assed a weight lost challenge at the gym but I did lose some weight. Oddly enough, the biggest loss came on the day after I ate the two Big Macs. Most of the time, though, I ate less at lunch and dinner and that isn’t going to happen with my mom home. She buys food like she’s going to eat it like a normal person, but she eats like a bird and gives me the leftovers. Plus, I had a steak, an elk burger, and a crab cake sandwich for my dinners this weekend and that’s not going to help. Ah well, if things were easy, they’d be easy.
I also like thinking that my iPhone is telling me things when I have it playing music on shuffle. It started playing music from my high school years that just reminded me how lonely I was back then. At least back then I was filled with hope and didn’t know what I’d be doing in 2012. Teenagers are suicidal enough without know what is awaiting them in middle age. Later it played “Lady Marmalade,” which probably suggests that hookers are my only chance for companionship. At least the last song it played before I shut it off for the night was “Alcohol” by the Bare Naked Ladies which reminded me that I’m a happy drunk. A happy drunk with a full bottle of Scoresby, the Scotch you drink with a straw, waiting at home.
Maybe I’m lonely because I haven’t heard many people on my $5000 ham radio lately because of poor ionospheric conditions. Let’s just say that’s it so I can call it a night, unlike last night when I stayed up late watching the last two episodes of Fringe and then wondered just why I bothered.