There was something else exciting that happened and I can’t remember what it was. A stomachache? A free box of Rasinettes? I really can’t remember when I actually sit down and try to scribble it down. My memory isn’t what it used to be and I’m not helping it any with my poor sleep habits.
I was thinking that maybe the things I don’t talk about are the things I care the most about, but you could disprove that by finding things I don’t care about that I don’t talk about. Vintage Falcons. Real falcons of the genus Falco. The Atlanta Falcons. Not too interested in any of those, really, and never mentioned them before now. In any case, the excitement (or lack thereof) in my life has nothing to do with those things. Well at least not yet. Who knows? I do kind of like Peregrine Falcons and football season is coming up.