Last night my brother-in-law said, “Hey, how come your mom and dad have colds and you don’t?” Well, this morning I woke up with a headache and I felt like I had a head cold. Nothing that a bit of Advil can’t take care of.
Good thing I took some Advil, too, because some idiot stole the Honda emblem off the back of my car. A stinking HONDA emblem. What am I, a Simpsons episode? And there are BMWs and Mercedes-Benzes parked right down the street. The cheapest Honda emblem I found online was $80. Since the miscreants scratched the paint, I need to add a couple hundred dollars to that. Ah, well.
Oh, and here’s a picture of my dad from last week when he had a cold. He fell asleep while eating his pizza in front of the TV. Notice he’s still holding a phantom piece of pizza.
george is so damn cute.
p.s. and yes, you ARE a simpson’s episode.