Rickety creaky thing. The allergy shot I got on Monday (a shot full of allergens) gave me quite a reaction. A bit of wheezing and lots of itching. As soon as I started feeling off I took two Benadryl and took it easy, watching for any actual difficulty breathing. Fortunately, the Benadryl worked and there was no need to go to the Emergency Room, unless I wanted to go in and tell them, “I’m having an allergic reaction and my ass itches.” Stupid hives are the last thing to clear up.
I did call the allergist and I was supposed to take two more Benadryl before I went to sleep.
I’ve also noticed that I have some weird bumps that I thought were ingrown hairs that itch like crazy when I exercise. Maybe they’re connected to sweat glands. They got annoying enough that I went to the doctor to ask about them. You know what hurts a hell of a lot? A doctor poking a needle into what he called a “cyst” to inject it with something.
So the combination of all this is my excuse to do very little beyond sitting at home watching TV this week instead of going to the gym. If only it was already football season…
yeahhhhh my whole stupid body is falling apart but it’s nothing doctor-able.