Ditching the ham radio meetings.

I’m still the treasurer of the club, but I can’t drag myself to the meetings any more. I’ve even been slightly crankier at work. Take, for example, my trip to the bathroom where one guy tried to knock me over with the door, another guy tried to knock me over while accidentally taking a laptop instead of his lunch from the counter, and the guy who actually owned the laptop shook his wet hands at me. I wanted to hurt each of those three people. I also don’t like people who don’t stop at the stop line on the way out of the parking lot. They pull way forward, blocking my view of oncoming traffic. In any case, I’m glad to be out of that place. The last thing I need is any silly drama at the radio club meeting from the couple of cranky SOBs who are there. Most of the guys are fine, but there are a couple I don’t mind not seeing very often.


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