Menace to society.

I spent most of the day in Lake Zero, putatively repairing my old explorer post advisor’s computer. He needed to access some ham radio devices, and get a beat up old digital camera working. I think we succeeded in most of the tasks.

This evening I attended a birthday party for Melissa, who is married to a guy I’ve known since before kindergarten. He lives just down the street, in a house he bought from his mom and then remodeled. It’s her second 39th birthday, and I got her some flowers.

Melissa's flowers.

I had to get kicked out when the party was officially over. I spent a lot of time talking to his relatives, since I’ve know the guy for 38+ years. But I had selfish thoughts about the flowers I bought his wife, and how, somehow, He owes me. He makes a bunch more money than I do, and is a Harvard MBA internet millionaire and CEO of yet another internet company. I had to go walking all over the neighborhood looking for an open florist (even asking the owners of my local bicycle shop:

You’re married guys, where do you buy flowers?

Guy 1: I don’t do flowers.

Guy 2: I don’t do flowers.

Some help they were.)

I did the following calculation:

Gift calculation.

Which amounts to:

Gift calculation.

Or, in other words, No matter how thin you slice it, it’s still baloney.

Anyway, it was a good time, and while describing my life with my parents and being an Asian son I quoted my co-worker who said I was a menace to society. Then I found out that this quote is often attributed to Brigham Young:

Any young man who is unmarried at the age of twenty-seven is a menace to the community.

Fifteen years of menacing society and still going strong!


One thought on “Menace to society.”

  1. I absolutely loved the equation you came up with! That’s really fantastic. I’ve decided to add you to my list of musings to check every weekday afternoon at 3PM. Looking forward to reading more.


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