I’ve spent several days, maybe weeks, trying to get a doorbell upstairs. Tried to run a wire down the same way I did before, but the downstairs renovations blocked my way. That took a day. I was told I should try using the duct chase that used to be the furnace chimney and that required holes in the sheet metal firebreak and an access panel in the sheetrock. Do you know how hard it is to find an access panel that isn’t made of chintzy plastic?
Anyway, just getting a hole in the sheet metal isn’t good enough, so I needed to get a rubber grommet in a hole that I had to make by hand. A punch would have been nice, but I only had access to one side of the metal. Anyway, after I got the wire to the basement, and routed through the rafters/floor joists down there, I wired it up only to find that it wasn’t quite right. I’m not sure what clown wired up the doorbells but I think things were randomly connected until things worked. Add a couple of hours while I rewired things to make sense, and I was able to hook the upstairs doorbell up for testing.
Then I found out that the doorbell transformer wasn’t beefy enough too handle two doorbells. Guess what I’m going to try to find tomorrow?