Yesterday was supposed to be one of the rainiest days I’ve seen in Portland. While it rains all the time, we usually only get a 1/4″ of rain in a day. Yesterday set a record with 1.3″, not a lot for some places but not normal for here of course, I was out in the rain cutting up wood because I wanted to have at least one day a week where I could actually rest and not do much of anything, unlike last Sunday where I cut down a tree in the backyard and fed everything I could into a wood chipper. The remains are below. Monday I was quite tired.
I did, however, make all three Saturday evening events that I had scheduled, something I rarely do. I was briefly at my next-door neighbor’s housewarming party, I went to Koi Fusion’s 2nd anniversary/Scion event were I scored a free bulgolgi burrito and some Scion swag, and I went to watch the UFC fight where GSP proved he was a dominant, cautious, and not altogether entertaining fighter. Plus I ran around the house trying to figure out what the hell was beeping like a fire alarm with it’s battery dying. It was a fire alarm with it’s battery dying, that my contractor had taken down and hidden in the basement.
I would have done nothing strenuous today, but I finally bought a tool cabinet at Harbor Freight. The display model worked a lot better (the drawer bearings are awful) and it was heavy. Plus I had to take it out of the packing to cram it into my Civic. I’ve asked my friend to drive his pickup into the city so we could go get it and every time I asked, he drove in his Smart car.
Oh, and I guess I cut my own hair Saturday as well. Heck, I’m not getting any dates paying real money for haircuts. I may as well do it myself.