I was actually going to try going to the gym tonight but I got home and though I’d just rest for a teensy bit and and then a hour later I was waking up remembering how I called the doctor’s office this morning to ask just how long a guy should be coughing before he made an appointment to have a MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL tell him things about his (lack of) health. But I’m thinking the people who work in doctors offices are tired of hearing about the swine ‘flu and the bird ‘flu and other types of ‘flu that are POTENTIALLY LETHAL and really would just like a chance to sit in the office with nobody sick bothering them so they could just work on their Facebook updates all day long and deal with the usual OLD PEOPLE who don’t have anything contagious and lethal to worry about. YES YOU CHICKEN SHITS, I’M TALKING ABOUT YOU. I’m sure they don’t need me to come in and whine about how I’ve been sick for over a f*cking week and how I can’t sleep real well or eat or even go to the gym since I’ve been sick because that takes away from their Amazon shopping sprees, but come on, THAT’S WHAT WE PAY YOU FOR.
I mean my life isn’t going the way I want it to. I just want to go to work and surf some gossip sites and watch some YouTube videos but holy hell, not only am I still a little sick but THERE’S ACTUALLY WORK TO DO and it’s cutting into my online slacking time.
See what happens when I don’t get to go to the gym? I get a little stir crazy. Though in all honesty I know that I’m still not feeling well enough to go in. Whatever.
My mom comes back from Japan tomorrow (she’s probably getting on the plane right now) and I sure as hell don’t want to give this cold to her. It ought to be gone by then, right?